Crap la still need go sch for the bridging programme for two week then everyday got math math math so boring one sia haiz cant wait for it to go pass and can go work liao somehow feel working is like better then study n much more fun sia...........and now my 2nd toe on the right foot is like little funny sia cos i go pull out the nail that was broken 2 years ago as it could not really join back n since boring go pull then ended up my toe a little pain haiz.......and got a cut at the back of my right ear for no reason maybe wat Nellyn said was right do not point at the moon or ur ear will get a cut hmmmm.........sounds like a little crap rite? But it really happen lei do not know should believe a not? And who wanna watch Casino Royale? Mayb call Nicholas , Gabriel and Jonathon along mayb Sup too but do not known him too well...mayb take this chance know him more
Monday, October 30, 2006

This yesterday post
Back to blog feeling sort of like vex n very weird in my heart feel as if i m like going to burst in my heart n mind now i feel very ________ (dunno how to describe) but the feeling in my heart juz felt like the time when i was being oppress and ppl when u all are praying can keep me in prayer too.........recently i feel very weird i m like losing the fruit of the spirit.......i sort of like have no patience when i am doing things outside church argh dun post liao my body is like a battlefield now feel very mern in me now
Back to blog feeling sort of like vex n very weird in my heart feel as if i m like going to burst in my heart n mind now i feel very ________ (dunno how to describe) but the feeling in my heart juz felt like the time when i was being oppress and ppl when u all are praying can keep me in prayer too.........recently i feel very weird i m like losing the fruit of the spirit.......i sort of like have no patience when i am doing things outside church argh dun post liao my body is like a battlefield now feel very mern in me now

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Finally my com is repaired so i could blog bout yesterday church.......and my week.
Thru the week din do much except went to help out pack the goody bags for the walkathon ard the factory area at Yew Tee was rather fun cos got to know a few new friends in the process of packing the goody bags n best of all that brought me fun was that i was doing work for God!!! But in the process there were some unpleasant things happen too like after we pack ard 1000+ bags then got this two middle age ladies came n ask us to put a Bel'air phamplet into it n we had to unpack all over again juz to put it in thus causing expected time of 2100 to finish packing to 2230 and it was rather aching for the back as we had to stand n bend down to keep the bags n the result is causing back ache and tight muscle overstretch another exciting things is that i was the only one from nissitwo and when Hui Jing told me i was like (T.T)......shall stop blogging about it liao la now blog bout Saturday
Yesterday was a rather fun day cos we had walkathon in the morning n had to assemble in church at 0630 thus i muz wake up early but luckily father said he wanna fetch me go so i would not need to wake up so early actually intended to wake up at 0530 but end up sleeping till 0600 when one reminder from my fne sounded for so long then i sort of got irritated n wake up to off it then see the time was like 0600 n i was like WA!!!!!!!!! Late liao then had a quick shower before calling my father up to fetch me go at there was rather fun too especially those greedy old ppl wanted to take more apple n when we said we wanna check they were like shock n like nvm n juz walk off from this i really see the character of the world which is greed.......went back church ard 10+ and set up the table before going home n had a bath n returning back.....sermon was preach by Sister Wanping bout how to please God n was rather good n fun as there were laughter throughout but still can't wait for next week where we have Pastor Chris Long A.K.A Holy Water Man(you should noe y if u had read my first post) and we can spread the word of God again n really pray that i can experience the Joy of salvation once again like the previous time it was such a joy to my heart when i see salvation for cell was a quick one including discipleship n catering was so nice we sat on the hedge along the drain n eat as there were no seat available after that went to Century pool n cause Brendan to kena "scolding" from June as me n Donric were under 16 n Brendan did not stop us one interesting thing happen was that when we were there , a gang fight juz took place n police officer were at the outside interrogating those involve then me , Gabriel , Nicholas , Donric and Jonathon (Brendan came after that) juz walk in but not long before 9 me and Donric were out as June call us then we go lor then so nice while we sat down in less then 2 min at the bus stop we saw June , Cheryl , Ali , Nellyn...First was Cheryl to board as juz nice her bus came n next was June , Donric and Ali but before June left she said something bout what discipline thing till now i do not catch what she saying lei due to the noise from the bus .....maybe June if u see this type it on the chatbox n i will noe what u r saying hehe.....
Thru the week din do much except went to help out pack the goody bags for the walkathon ard the factory area at Yew Tee was rather fun cos got to know a few new friends in the process of packing the goody bags n best of all that brought me fun was that i was doing work for God!!! But in the process there were some unpleasant things happen too like after we pack ard 1000+ bags then got this two middle age ladies came n ask us to put a Bel'air phamplet into it n we had to unpack all over again juz to put it in thus causing expected time of 2100 to finish packing to 2230 and it was rather aching for the back as we had to stand n bend down to keep the bags n the result is causing back ache and tight muscle overstretch another exciting things is that i was the only one from nissitwo and when Hui Jing told me i was like (T.T)......shall stop blogging about it liao la now blog bout Saturday
Yesterday was a rather fun day cos we had walkathon in the morning n had to assemble in church at 0630 thus i muz wake up early but luckily father said he wanna fetch me go so i would not need to wake up so early actually intended to wake up at 0530 but end up sleeping till 0600 when one reminder from my fne sounded for so long then i sort of got irritated n wake up to off it then see the time was like 0600 n i was like WA!!!!!!!!! Late liao then had a quick shower before calling my father up to fetch me go at there was rather fun too especially those greedy old ppl wanted to take more apple n when we said we wanna check they were like shock n like nvm n juz walk off from this i really see the character of the world which is greed.......went back church ard 10+ and set up the table before going home n had a bath n returning back.....sermon was preach by Sister Wanping bout how to please God n was rather good n fun as there were laughter throughout but still can't wait for next week where we have Pastor Chris Long A.K.A Holy Water Man(you should noe y if u had read my first post) and we can spread the word of God again n really pray that i can experience the Joy of salvation once again like the previous time it was such a joy to my heart when i see salvation for cell was a quick one including discipleship n catering was so nice we sat on the hedge along the drain n eat as there were no seat available after that went to Century pool n cause Brendan to kena "scolding" from June as me n Donric were under 16 n Brendan did not stop us one interesting thing happen was that when we were there , a gang fight juz took place n police officer were at the outside interrogating those involve then me , Gabriel , Nicholas , Donric and Jonathon (Brendan came after that) juz walk in but not long before 9 me and Donric were out as June call us then we go lor then so nice while we sat down in less then 2 min at the bus stop we saw June , Cheryl , Ali , Nellyn...First was Cheryl to board as juz nice her bus came n next was June , Donric and Ali but before June left she said something bout what discipline thing till now i do not catch what she saying lei due to the noise from the bus .....maybe June if u see this type it on the chatbox n i will noe what u r saying hehe.....

Saturday, October 14, 2006
Woooohooooo back from church(long ago) and finally free from exam liao today svr was so AWESOME especially got one part is for Donric to hear but too bad he choose to go to Innova JC open hse today n miss this good sermon and good thing God told Pastor. Daniel to preach about it as he said he had two topic n God told him pick it and thus God spoke to me alot.....SnL was so great jumping n dance in front of God except the last "Take It All" sounded weird dunno is my ear got problem or the sound system is sort of down but nevertheless it was a good thing to be able to dance in front of God to sermon , while Ps. Daniel preach the holy spirit brought back many memories of me feeling all lonely even when i am with friends n how i am like even before i come to church , day by day as night fall i would feel so empty n lonely at night as i stare at the sky it was juz like in the day was so fierce in action but all lonely at night but that was the past before knowing God but know i am a totally new person now where my cell grp n fellow brother n sister would care for me n where we will have fun responded to altar call as i had this feeling in me saying go forward Marcus go n so i responded to it should be the Holy Spirit forwarding me to go and it was a right choice after this fellow sister in Christ prayed for me i felt as if i am totally a change person i felt so new n even feel so peaceful in my heart it was good and i thank God for that then as usual hang ard in church as catering for staying in church is a wonderful thing to me for all problems will be gone at there only got three words to describe my feeling for church that is SLI~"Simply Love It"....then today sit in during discipleship n God was testing me on my patience.....but nevertheless overcame the problem but it was a good thing for Yining asking alot of question about God n we felt happy to answer him but due to lack of time we were rushing thru n i was like a little anxious how if we cannot finish and it happen we did not finish it......if Yining were to be this enthusiastic about God he will surpass many in their spiritual growth soon n he will mature fast as God works into his life......shall end blogging here wanna go do some other stuff already

Saturday, October 07, 2006
Ouch Kena Slap Real Hard
Cause i called
you answer and you came to my rescue
Really hope God would come into my whole family now and give the peace he had promise, I feel tired n helpless before today cell my whole family is thrown into chaos after my grandma is admitted into hospital with blames pushing to each other n opinion about each others is flying ard n i feel so tired about all this arguement and even feel helpless cause when the blame is being push onto my family i could not retaliate and fight back for my parent fear i would be very disrespectful to my aunt n uncle for after what i said that if an meeting is a must i would go down n scold all of them n fight back n also said that if this matter were to cause the whole family to break up i would not even be bother by it......juz let it break less more trouble n arguement arise...
Today sermon really slap me in the face sia God juz ka-piak me on both side on my face during today sermon....Today topic was about "Do You Feel God's Heartbeat?" n is about missions n everything as today was the mission conference......there is this part that say we are all missionary as we are a Christian n the mission field is everywhere it can be your school or even neighbourhood so we should go out n make disciple of Jesus then it struck me that for the past two week i have not been sharing Christ with my friends then God like just piak on my face telling me that i should spread the gospel no matter where i am be it on a mission trip or in Singapore then i juz felt so ashame sia.....then before pastor Daniel preach we had the mission committee sharing testimony with us then got Pastor Ong the cute pastor at there sharing but the best testimony was not from him but uncle Patrick whom was Cheryl father he was very funny when he share his testimony with us n when he first started to say he said open page 29 of the magazine n he read to us one poem(shld be call poem not sure) he wrote himself with the end of every phrase there is this phrase that is "the soloem mission" then we juz say that out whenever it was that part n when he was sharing one of his testimony Mu-en decided to disturb him by adding effect when he was singing a song that he had sang in one of his testimony to us n we were all laughing away.........
Today cell was totally different for many did not attend as some had fallen ill most likely cause by the haze and some wanted to study for EOY so we did not have discipleship today n we all went to the stairway where we always sat during praise & worship for cell n June ask us to remove our "mask" n be true for that moment n during that part tears were coming out of peoples eyes but i shan say who is it n elaborate about it as what ever happen shall be kept in our hearts n seal up by God for its a secret never to be let out and June ask us to pray and confess to God about what is bothering us for the past week n even pray for the person beside you and ensure that everyone had be pray upon by somebody then before cell end June requested to sing a praise song that is One Way then Brendan had to play the guitar but he was unsure of the chord so halfway he stop n then when we all like waiting for him to play we were like little quiet then he suddenly continue singing as he was unsure then we also continue to sing and after that had catering but today was like little quiet though there was laughter as Cheryl who always brought laughter was not ard as she had fallen sick and for catering there was only 5 ppl from nissicheryl but still have nissilight join us as always for dinner nevertheless church is always a place where i shall seek peace of my heart n enjoy staying at
you answer and you came to my rescue
Really hope God would come into my whole family now and give the peace he had promise, I feel tired n helpless before today cell my whole family is thrown into chaos after my grandma is admitted into hospital with blames pushing to each other n opinion about each others is flying ard n i feel so tired about all this arguement and even feel helpless cause when the blame is being push onto my family i could not retaliate and fight back for my parent fear i would be very disrespectful to my aunt n uncle for after what i said that if an meeting is a must i would go down n scold all of them n fight back n also said that if this matter were to cause the whole family to break up i would not even be bother by it......juz let it break less more trouble n arguement arise...
Today sermon really slap me in the face sia God juz ka-piak me on both side on my face during today sermon....Today topic was about "Do You Feel God's Heartbeat?" n is about missions n everything as today was the mission conference......there is this part that say we are all missionary as we are a Christian n the mission field is everywhere it can be your school or even neighbourhood so we should go out n make disciple of Jesus then it struck me that for the past two week i have not been sharing Christ with my friends then God like just piak on my face telling me that i should spread the gospel no matter where i am be it on a mission trip or in Singapore then i juz felt so ashame sia.....then before pastor Daniel preach we had the mission committee sharing testimony with us then got Pastor Ong the cute pastor at there sharing but the best testimony was not from him but uncle Patrick whom was Cheryl father he was very funny when he share his testimony with us n when he first started to say he said open page 29 of the magazine n he read to us one poem(shld be call poem not sure) he wrote himself with the end of every phrase there is this phrase that is "the soloem mission" then we juz say that out whenever it was that part n when he was sharing one of his testimony Mu-en decided to disturb him by adding effect when he was singing a song that he had sang in one of his testimony to us n we were all laughing away.........
Today cell was totally different for many did not attend as some had fallen ill most likely cause by the haze and some wanted to study for EOY so we did not have discipleship today n we all went to the stairway where we always sat during praise & worship for cell n June ask us to remove our "mask" n be true for that moment n during that part tears were coming out of peoples eyes but i shan say who is it n elaborate about it as what ever happen shall be kept in our hearts n seal up by God for its a secret never to be let out and June ask us to pray and confess to God about what is bothering us for the past week n even pray for the person beside you and ensure that everyone had be pray upon by somebody then before cell end June requested to sing a praise song that is One Way then Brendan had to play the guitar but he was unsure of the chord so halfway he stop n then when we all like waiting for him to play we were like little quiet then he suddenly continue singing as he was unsure then we also continue to sing and after that had catering but today was like little quiet though there was laughter as Cheryl who always brought laughter was not ard as she had fallen sick and for catering there was only 5 ppl from nissicheryl but still have nissilight join us as always for dinner nevertheless church is always a place where i shall seek peace of my heart n enjoy staying at

Monday, October 02, 2006
When running ard youtube n saw this funny video watch it till the end then its funny the front is not so do not off it till you see finish