Woooohooooo back from church(long ago) and finally free from exam liao today svr was so AWESOME especially got one part is for Donric to hear but too bad he choose to go to Innova JC open hse today n miss this good sermon and good thing God told Pastor. Daniel to preach about it as he said he had two topic n God told him pick it and thus God spoke to me alot.....SnL was so great jumping n dance in front of God except the last "Take It All" sounded weird dunno is my ear got problem or the sound system is sort of down but nevertheless it was a good thing to be able to dance in front of God weekly.....now to sermon , while Ps. Daniel preach the holy spirit brought back many memories of me feeling all lonely even when i am with friends n how i am like even before i come to church , day by day as night fall i would feel so empty n lonely at night as i stare at the sky it was juz like in the day was so fierce in action but all lonely at night but that was the past before knowing God but know i am a totally new person now where my cell grp n fellow brother n sister would care for me n where we will have fun together.....today responded to altar call as i had this feeling in me saying go forward Marcus go n so i responded to it should be the Holy Spirit forwarding me to go and it was a right choice after this fellow sister in Christ prayed for me i felt as if i am totally a change person i felt so new n even feel so peaceful in my heart it was good and i thank God for that then as usual hang ard in church as catering for staying in church is a wonderful thing to me for all problems will be gone at there only got three words to describe my feeling for church that is SLI~"Simply Love It"....then today sit in during discipleship n God was testing me on my patience.....but nevertheless overcame the problem but it was a good thing for Yining asking alot of question about God n we felt happy to answer him but due to lack of time we were rushing thru n i was like a little anxious how if we cannot finish and it happen we did not finish it......if Yining were to be this enthusiastic about God he will surpass many in their spiritual growth soon n he will mature fast as God works into his life......shall end blogging here wanna go do some other stuff already

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