Going off if got anything to blog then come n blog again thats all for now
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Was thinking thru the night about what i should say but din not say yesterday during cell bout how i felt when they go visit grandma now got the answer le , yesterday miss out saying that actually i could felt the love my cell members had for me (true) n i think thats the answer Brendan hope to hear ba cos when i say finish he say thats all ar? Mayb that the answer he want
Going off if got anything to blog then come n blog again thats all for now
Going off if got anything to blog then come n blog again thats all for now

Saturday, July 29, 2006
One of the best svr
Today svr was one of the best which i ever had other then Radical Conference , when i reach church Cheryl told me this phrase which seems quite true...."Never see u one week only like very long never see u already." I had this same thought as Cheryl for the past one week it seems a long time since i attended church though it was week. Before the start of svr as normal we pray for svr except we start earlier by 15 min to pray longer as sister Wanping want us to pray longer cos most of them felt a presence of spiritual war as this month is the ghost festival n many of the church member fell sick this week n their parents does not allowed them to go church all of a sudden n on a massive scale so we prayed for God to be with us n blah blah blah....while praying Brendan ask us to pray out loud for svr one by one as there were only me , Brendan & Munchong so Brendan started praying first then when i heard that we need to pray i did not noe what to pray but then when its my turn to pray all of a sudden i felt a strong feeling that allows me to pray fluently except there was er...here n there but i could feel God was around b4 the start of svr n after i felt the presence of God i could juz talk to Munchong easily n when it was his turn to pray he reject that idea then Brendan tried talking to him but nevertheless he rejected. Then i juz talk to him also trying to persuade him to pray then i told him that God was with him n he need not worry as God will tell him wat to say but he still rejects. Frankly at that time when i felt the strong presence i was like a totally a different person i could feel that the Holy Spirit was like "behind" me supporting me

Friday, July 28, 2006
Today finally got back the wire then then can blog liao......for today nothing much cos for training i need not do much as my Part was not ard then i was like wandering around but dunno y still feel tired lei then today at there scold the Part B till throat pain cos they all give problem. Then after training we went to ex-CDANS (presently Home Team NS) with another 7 friends to play laser quest but at first when we reach there they said they wanna conserve battery for the party later but never the less we manage to play for 10 min which seems quite a long time had alot of fun in there mayb next week gonna go again

Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Today got a news to say n that is for next few days is not going to blog cos my father dunno wat happen then go pull out the computer wire n i blog this entries in sch during CME so for the next few days there wun b blogs entries

Monday, July 24, 2006
Today went to visit my grandma again then got to know from my sis that the area round the ear n neck grow sumthing like chicken pox then i went in to see n it is real n looks a little bad n when i ask her wat happen she say that it is due to the moisturiser that she rub on her skin to keep it moist n kept on saying it was the cause of it......but then juz ask the nurse clinical or better known as sister told us that they suspect it is herpis(dunno if it's spelled correctly) n is air-borne then they need to send her to the isolation ward juz near there n when my uncle ask the sister the sister said in hokkien that they suspect it's shea zuo then as she hear it she kept on shaking her hand saying no.......n insisted that it is the cream well that her blaming on anything that get in contact in her b4 anything happen

Saturday, July 22, 2006
By right now should be on the way back to sch after kayaking but din go as I am down with flu n slight fever......actually was intending to go kayaking but too bad yesterday after training went home n felt cold then have fever n went to polyclinic to consult a doctor today then mother call me not to go out. In the morning when I when to the polyclinic they have this bird flu exercise n all who went there would have to wear a face mask n that included me at first I tot it would be fun looking like ninja , cover lower part of face but then after a while in not even 15 min I m beggining to dislike it n wanting to remove it cos it felt hot ard the face n when breathing the heat produce cause the lens of my spec to become misty then the mask smelled a little funny too....

Thursday, July 20, 2006
Bad Day
Today started my day with a flu ..... Like i was sleeping fine yesterday n out of dunno where today caught a flu n go to sch then cannot really pay attention in class n was really feeling like sleepin today but comes EL then suddenly whole person perk up n started to pia journal in an hour time then after sch got NDP rehearsal juz for GOH then the sec 4 kept on dragging time n started at 4.45 when we started to fall in at ard 4.00...then have this dream of my friend passing away then have been thinking till now is the dream trying to hint sumting or was it juz simply a dream n i m thinking too much???

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
A Very Funny Day
Today though have lesson till 4.30 but i dun mind coz it was a very funny day for me , at first was during math lesson got this Sec 1 guy go follow Raja toking then kena screwed by him n when he return , he said he went out to have some fun then gave us a funny face n we were like laughing away then after lesson when we are walking to the bus stop we met with Alan , Wei Zhong & his stead then me , Gabriel & Bertrand we stop to buy ice-cream from the van outside our school when we were waiting for the auntie to cut the ice-cream Alan go n ka-chiao ka-chiao take deodorant go spray Gabriel butt there n make a joke out of it then when we took our ice-cream , Gabriel said after i eat finish my ice-crem Alan gonna kena hoot* n really enough as soon as he eat finish the ice-cream even b4 reaching the bus stop he go make Alan , n Alan then fall onto the floor laughing n Gabriel force him to take out his deoderant then ask us to find a table but too bad , no table around so Gabriel took the chair near the basketball court outside sch n ask Alan to stand as if kena caning then he at there spray back at Alan butt. Then me, Wei Zhong & Bertrand was at there laughing like as if we were crazy. We even laugh till we all fall on the ground sia now think of it when blogging i also cannot help but laugh also
*hoot : Wack/beat
*hoot : Wack/beat

Sunday, July 16, 2006
After days of not blogging , today going to blog again.... Yesterday for Church svr n cell we have a new member called Munchong from SWSS with us , at first i tot he is one year older than us but then got to know from Cheryl that he one year younger than us then during cell Cheryl called Brendan , me & fishball to tok to him then tok lor but ar he like little dao sia , dao me a few time haiz....but a pity for him to be brought to YI bout almost a month later , if not he could have attended Radical Conference with us n would greatly experience God but anyway got to know from him that he enjoyed himself which is great but he is still having doubt wheather to accept Christ into his life...hope he will accept Christ into his life

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Yesterday din manage to blog cos was too tired then went to slp ard 20.00 , but b4 going to slp i got to noe that my grandma is out of ICU then is transfer to ICA~Intermediate Care something 1 if i not wrong *Praise the Lord for the miracle that happen for the past 20 days n counting*. Then for life is that everynight muz do 2 days of masterlife so as to catch up with everyone n for sch is like nothing happen lei juz like a little relax everyday comfirm will fall asleep in class especially during Eng dunno y but juz lie there then whole body feels relax n off to dreamland i go...next most relax is during MT we were like at there changing phone then transfer song to each other basically this whole week was like very relax except i juz need to go ard sch juz to find this new teacher call Mr. Yap ___ ___ to get his full name for NCC stuff haiz...but still cun find him

Monday, July 10, 2006
WoooooooooHoooooooo Italy won the World Cup the save by Gianluigi Buffon from Zidane header during the extra-time was like so good man he saved Italy from losing the match but dun even noe wat Zidane thinking(i believe u all wonder too) he go n header the Materazzi's chest n then ended his career with a red card wouldn't it be a glorious 1 if u have to retire after this match would u make it a glourious 1 b4 u retire??? If i am , i would make it as glorious as possible but too bad Zidane made a grave mistake of his career

Saturday, July 08, 2006
Today went for svr ar can listen in but then got this feeling that when svr starting n when singing song the "mood" there is like all very tired then not much enthuism until Ps.Daniel went up n talk then the whole place become more enthu then when cell have to leave halfway actually not even halfway la not even one-quater way is like cell juz start then receive a call from my sis saying that my aunt call us down to the hospital then till i reach there then got to know that juz because my grandma dun wanna inject a tube into her then my aunt call all grandchildren down talk to her, then i tot is something critical waste my time to go down but what to do thats typical of my aunt to exagerate things, everytime also the same one.....

Friday, July 07, 2006
The old me is back???
Just now went out with my brothers 们 to Jurong Point then eat KFC with them n got to know that the guy that we use to "aim" beated one of my brother n took his head n bang the wall then i talk like the old me n now wondering that is the old me which is burried deep in me beginning to appear again? The side which all would neva want to see.....????

Thursday, July 06, 2006
France bua chao??? Challenging teacher!!!
Aiya today go to sch also like any boring day sia except that dun believe that France won the "ticket" to the finals sia then we all think France bua chao one sia n today when leaving for sch the sky is like going to rain but need to wait for friend then go together after that when we walk to the block that was two block behind the bus-stop it rain a little so me n my friend decide not to give a damn but suddenly it was like raining cat n dogs n we were like WTF then we run back to sit the bus to Home Team NS(CDANS) b4 changing bus to sch luckily we saw my ex-mt teacher then she flag a cab n ask if we wanna board so we juz say anything lor...n today i dunno wat happen to me sia all of a sudden i feel funny today lor i juz like to challenge the patience limit of all the new teacher sia then almost argue with a new teacher! But i also dun give a damn to her lor she at there talk from inside my friend class i juz like bo ka lan n walk off then juz stare at her but she cun do anything aiya i think i stop here liao i think better go pray that i will not challenge the teacher again better pray that God will neva let it happen again

Saturday, July 01, 2006
Today PS.Daniel he at there preaching ar i was like very blur sia dun even noe wat he toking about he at there preach then words are like ------>ear------>back into air din even catch much of wat he preaching all i noe is that he is going to preach about masterlife then today is preaching about Jesus disciple with a broken toe....din attend today cell coz after svr went to visit my grandmother at the hospital felt shiok today cos can go in n visit her as after tues where Cheryl,June,Alicia,Brendan visited i fell sick then parent dun allow me to go fearing that i might spread the germs to the patient there at least now can fang xin already my grandma condition has stablise now but still muz thanx my cell grp member for praying n most importantly thank God for giving me extra strength to pull thru all this