Today went to visit my grandma again then got to know from my sis that the area round the ear n neck grow sumthing like chicken pox then i went in to see n it is real n looks a little bad n when i ask her wat happen she say that it is due to the moisturiser that she rub on her skin to keep it moist n kept on saying it was the cause of it......but then juz ask the nurse clinical or better known as sister told us that they suspect it is herpis(dunno if it's spelled correctly) n is air-borne then they need to send her to the isolation ward juz near there n when my uncle ask the sister the sister said in hokkien that they suspect it's shea zuo then as she hear it she kept on shaking her hand saying no.......n insisted that it is the cream well that her blaming on anything that get in contact in her b4 anything happen

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