A sleepless night, just return home, could not sleep and went out to hang out with friends through the night. My whole body felt very 辛苦 through the night, but yet i cant sleep. Even now......
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Thursday, February 04, 2010
Spend Sunday noon clearing the cupboard and stuff as Chinese New Year is coming, as I was packing, saw those mini encouragement card from ex-cell/church members that are accumulated over the years in YI, from MT 06 & 07. YI Camp 06-08, and other events like Christmas Bash and Birthday and so on. Read it all one by one, not missing even a single details or card left unread and i see so many things, those whom tell me to stay strong, keep burning for God had left one by one. Lots of things came into my mind each moment i read one card, from the card and by looking at the person live, i see the kind of person he/she really is. Someone whom treat others with TRUE love and concern, or it is just there for a "show" to just at least complete the responsibility. But sadly, there are few whom i see treats others like how Jesus would, much as many like to proclaim that they should love others before they can have a relationship with God blah blah blah.... but sadly the answer is within one hand, i can tell you who they are.
After some time spend thinking, I am coming close to a decision point of whether to carry on in the hope that one day they would wake up/things would change in the walk or just give up on them/give up on everything. But first i need to meet someone important.....
After some time spend thinking, I am coming close to a decision point of whether to carry on in the hope that one day they would wake up/things would change in the walk or just give up on them/give up on everything. But first i need to meet someone important.....