another premonition come true. At 2005hr, another one in the family is gone
Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Spiritual walk
Sometime it is not the fantastic words that will have the most impact, even the simplest of words has the biggest impact. This is what a few people had said to me "I believe you can do it" and it seems to be the important key to unlock that hidden energy within me. Wall after wall that block me out i destroy and demolish, yet new and higher wall just keep rising, this week alone after destroying one wall and walking forward, i was strike hard in the chest causing me to move backwards. It was a strike that demoralize even the strongest of christian, but yet when they said" I believe you can do it", things began to heal and i begin to work on those wall again.
Went service with the guys and was pulled to sit with the cell, left straight after service and had a talk with Rachel whom we(me and Wayne) met below, Pastor Daniel came over and had a small chit chat with me and was very understanding without probing much but also encourage me through simple words.
Though this weeks suck (lots of things happen and do not wish to say), there are things that are worth smiling at least. Like I saw the way Brother Calvin and Sister Karen praise and worship, it encourage me a lot, i saw how they leave it all down just to worship. Seeing the way Lester constantly coming to church despite he needing to study for his Aeronautical course(i think) also encourage others don't you think?
Went service with the guys and was pulled to sit with the cell, left straight after service and had a talk with Rachel whom we(me and Wayne) met below, Pastor Daniel came over and had a small chit chat with me and was very understanding without probing much but also encourage me through simple words.
Though this weeks suck (lots of things happen and do not wish to say), there are things that are worth smiling at least. Like I saw the way Brother Calvin and Sister Karen praise and worship, it encourage me a lot, i saw how they leave it all down just to worship. Seeing the way Lester constantly coming to church despite he needing to study for his Aeronautical course(i think) also encourage others don't you think?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
seriously no mood for anything this week, no mood to go school, don't feel like staying at home. Feel like going somewhere like the sea and be alone sit down many things on my mind this week, think of this and that.
Headaches everyday isn't helping in any way, everyday take panadol then go sleep, causing me to be very hot temper this week too. Almost got into a fight just now with some guy on the mood to do/say anything much.
Headaches everyday isn't helping in any way, everyday take panadol then go sleep, causing me to be very hot temper this week too. Almost got into a fight just now with some guy on the mood to do/say anything much.

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Ok decided i should blog a little. Friday went out with some of the primary school friends to mind cafe and played some game, played this ducky game which we all decided in-unison that it is the most fun out of all the three games we played.

Ducky Game

Some of those from the "outing regular" as i did not called all along
sat slept only at 3AM as we left Bugis only at 12 after the game and miss the train forcing us to take the bus. Seriously i hate it, have to worry got bus go home or not, gonna go enrol for 2B(motorcycle below 200CC) license on Tuesday when i go BBDC for my BTT. Hope i pass BTT, did not study much. Then able to ride bike by OCT lo. Woke up at 8.30 to prepare go Bishan public library for some stupid Singapore Read programme that the NLB organise and ITE enrolled us to go. ITE and Saturday by right do not click together, but somehow in this case it does. Event end at 12.30 then one group of us go J8 makan, left there at 1.30 and head for church. Got stuck at carpark coz my temperature was LO for like 5 mins, got up and miss some front part of sermon. Went home and zzzzzzzzzzz. Thats all for my week, the rest is school, nothing to talk about.
Is being sensitive good? Sensitive to others emotion is good coz no one can hides their emotion by wearing a mask. But other then emotion i sense something else. Something not many can (i think), something that i can sense, but nothing that i could do to it. When i told you all at the start of the year, that within 11 mths(by end of year) something grief gonna happen again, u all say i was joking/talking rubbish. Wow, now doctor tell u all at most 5 days, u all believe on the spot. wow!

Ducky Game

Some of those from the "outing regular" as i did not called all along
sat slept only at 3AM as we left Bugis only at 12 after the game and miss the train forcing us to take the bus. Seriously i hate it, have to worry got bus go home or not, gonna go enrol for 2B(motorcycle below 200CC) license on Tuesday when i go BBDC for my BTT. Hope i pass BTT, did not study much. Then able to ride bike by OCT lo. Woke up at 8.30 to prepare go Bishan public library for some stupid Singapore Read programme that the NLB organise and ITE enrolled us to go. ITE and Saturday by right do not click together, but somehow in this case it does. Event end at 12.30 then one group of us go J8 makan, left there at 1.30 and head for church. Got stuck at carpark coz my temperature was LO for like 5 mins, got up and miss some front part of sermon. Went home and zzzzzzzzzzz. Thats all for my week, the rest is school, nothing to talk about.
Is being sensitive good? Sensitive to others emotion is good coz no one can hides their emotion by wearing a mask. But other then emotion i sense something else. Something not many can (i think), something that i can sense, but nothing that i could do to it. When i told you all at the start of the year, that within 11 mths(by end of year) something grief gonna happen again, u all say i was joking/talking rubbish. Wow, now doctor tell u all at most 5 days, u all believe on the spot. wow!