Today is NCC day then we have ceremony to commerate NCC day but this year things are a little different as St.John brigade is combine with us and the Sec 1 is standing in front of the class to collect for The Yellow Ribbon Fund so i was standind on the side with the Officer but i was like very pai-seh cos i was standing alone in between the two Officers(Both NCC n St.John)but thats not worse after that we went back to class for normal lesson this was where i felt really pai-seh coz my math teacher used to be our CO then when i juz step in he gave the Attention command n i was like carrying thing on both hand n i was like at the stunt that he would give the command n i ask if i really need to do then he said come on la.....haiz but after all no choice who ask him to be my ex-CO then i did wat he said lor(As a respect) n was like very pai-seh although i put on a serious face as i was in my uniform.
In the noon we went for shooting n today was like the best ever in our sec 3 unit as for the first shot all of us hit marksman but as things go longer our "grades" drop....should be due to eyes being tired we cannot see as clear as before