Listening to 070511 sermon once again, it brought back many memories of the past. Are we of any different from the group of people in the life saving station? Being in church for 5 years already, lots of up and down, seen how the story told is closely link to our church, link to the cell group ain't it right? In service, we are much alike the people in the club, we grow and grow, till we max out. All of a sudden, the number just drop, from one full hall to 3/4 of the hall occupied, and back to maxing out the space again, and it happen all over. Then we split services, from one service to two just because there is not enough space, then both service grow rapidly over the years and the number just drop once again, till there is not a need for 2 service. For cell group, is there not once where our number grow so large till it hit 30? Where there is so much people, fun every week? Then the number just drop rapidly over a few months till it hit half of what it used to be? Thats when a few of us just snap awake, seeing how things are being destroyed. We guys met up weekly to pray for it, things did changed, no doubt. Yet it slips back into the past once again, seeing no hope anymore. One by one, those that snap awake changed, knowing that its time to stop or rather its when the why bother mentality come riding in. This time will things be any different once again. Down the years, will history repeat or will God change things around, thats all i ask for. Let things be different this time round, lets not allow history to repeat,

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