Sunday, October 10, 2010

Its really freaky when at the start of sermon your Pastor said things like telling u at times when you are a newcomer and through the sermon whatever it speaks is about you, as if your friend had told your pastor your life. Then came the sermon and everything it speak within is exactly about you, even though you are an "old bird" in the church.

Sermon today focus on our relationship with people, with man. It says our spiritual maturity depends on your relationship with not only God but God's people, to me, its not totally right. I had seen people whom life chooses to love selective God's people, yet they are alright? Perhaps, its all a facade, but for me personally, its not all whom your really need to love like your family. Love as friends yes, but not all friends stand at the family level. At family level, is where God place them (friends) so close to you, that we should not neglect our relationship with one another. To me its this relationship instead of friends that will measure your spiritual maturity too. Sermon also spoke bout my thoughts, its really my thoughts! Like Pastor Dan said bout us having thought that those people wont change, they will always stay like that. Don't bail out on them, just like how much patience God gave to you, don't bail out on them. I had already bail out on some, the very moment i became indifferent to things is when i bail out on them. Much as i know this is the 3rd thug from God, though i am close to God, though i still want to get closer to God, to go so close to Him more than before, yet i STILL do not want to do it. The problem is there, its so obvious. Whenever i ask people to return back to church, the first thing that came to mind is how bout cell/lifegroup whenever this came into the picture, decision starts to waver.

I came to realize this on my way home. People ARE willing to go church and sit for sermon, yet when cell/lifegroup goes into the picture, things changes. I always knew of the problem from long ago , but i did not came to realization bout this, guess this is a new knowledge to me also.


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