For the past week, began to learn many things and slowly getting used to it.........For the past week, began to stay quiet already, anything happen i also dun care, juz stay quiet and juz dun interfere too much, dunno why but it juz seems that way.........Another is that now slowly even as i hear that my Grandma pancrease is failing again, slowly i began to juz accept the fact already and even prepare my heart for anything that happens, well thats life, twist and turn juz come in that split second, how i wish the new world would come soon, where there is no sickness and there always peace, even now gradually my heart dies off with emotion, dun feel much about anything now, juz like the old time where my heart is dead before accepting Christ. Sometime I would wonder why this time, satan is working in so many family of my friend. Arguement, fought, juz so chaotic, why could not satan juz leave them alone? The most "best" things is that those friend are all this period a test for many?

People should read this.
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