Ok.......yesterday tuition was considered productive? For math it was good , refresh my mind of some things regarding Trigometry and for chem.....is like errrr.....at first when the chem tuition started , You Sheng was like speaking "french" to me , nothing is apprehensible and after 30 min had past , i was already like wanting to sleep but then did not sleep and so towards the end of the tuition , learn something from it , after that went over to Beauty World to have luch with Donric and i learn something also , i am not certified to eat the noodles from "Top 1 noddle house" , the sauce were somehow like splashing here and there so next time i am not going to eat it anymore. Went over to church at ard 1+ then help Zhang's and Kon's cell group the children and teengager to carry and shift the table before starting ice-breaker and we play "Poison Ball" and had two new-comers Benjamin and Yan Wen brought by Alicia and Munchong respectively and Benjamin got his reward by winning the game of "Poison Ball" , but dunno is forfeit or reward....he had to squeeze 5 marshmellow into his mouth as requested by Ali after a discount of 5 which means he had to eat 10 at first , oh yeah Benjamin mix in fast with us and he is very socialble......after that went up to have our pre-service prayer before Pnw and Sermon by pastor Daniel , and yesterday sermon was awesome , partly it spoke to me alot and i feel that it is very good for newcomers to listen as it spoke of God love for us and many more especially the 4th truth saying that Jesus is your way and truth 3 i believe spoke to many people , its like no matter how much work we do for God , is it wat God is interested in most? We could do His work everyday but its not what He is interested in , He wish that we would go into a relationship with Him , stop all the things and get close to God and maybe its time where everyone stop their foot-steps in this busy world , where things come fast and goes fast , and listen to what God has for you , what God wants to speak to you........listen His soft and gentle voice...........During cell had sharing with the two newcomers and i was appointed to sit-in with Gabriel sharing while he is sharing with Benjamin and yeah , we rescue back a back-sliden Christian as on thursday Brendan said about saving a unbeliever is easy but saving a back-sliding christian is very hard , but thank God we did the hard thing and its accomplish not by us but by God!!! After that had a surprise birthday celebration for Carlos and Ali and had alot of fun , PnW was good at least , and Gabriel was so funny , he was so scared till he clap as if his hand has a repelling force and we were laughing away , but anws i know how he felt after all its the first time and he had done a good job. After that split into our small grp and i was shifted out together with Gabriel from Brendan grp into Cheryl grp and those who stayed for quite some time had to share testimony on the spot and i was like (O.o) ok , was ask to share bout wat happen on tues and soon after it went to eat our dinner , and after that went to WM there the mac with Nick , actually intended to go the Beauty World one but in the end decided to go hme , and halfway he say we go WM there and i say ok lor........was there then saw Brendan and he was meeting a friend called Jimmy which came over after 20 mins , talk to him and found that his family is really open , unlike some malay family which strictly stick to their religion but his family allow him to go to church when his friend invited him , found it good as ppl from other religion can get to know more of another religion , something like ppl from different race getting to know more of each other.....well gonna stop here liao

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