Youth Impact Mission Trip
*things to note: Time shown here is the thai timing , The Tagbox and everything is down all the way as there is no space at the side*
One thing i treasure most during MT is the friendship , for in juz a short 12 hrs our team were bonded like one family and i thank God for that. Pray that God will let it last for our life for if we place Him in the center of friendship the love will bind us together for eternity
My Angel at MT is very good , she bought me my favourite Pocky and it's still not eaten , so nice that she bought strawberry flavour and its my favourite.......thanx ANGEL IS U SEE THIS
Before reading lets sing a song that we can only sing to God and not the Angel....The song of the redeem and freedom
Finally after weeks , have the time to sit down and blog about Mission Trip and even post up picture.....learn alot of things in Mission Trip , learn to be really prayerful in everything we do. Coz at Thailand about 3/4 of the time is to pray and do God works....even when we are eating we pray for the food , on the way to villages we pray for God to prepare the ground for us , before we sleep also pray that we will have a good rest , wake up pray that God will renew our strength as we do his what u think prayer is very important in Mission Trip.....Saw miracles upon miracles , healing upon healing and even experience how real Satan was. In the past for me Satan is like an ant to me in my heart but after experiencing how real he is , i really took him seriously , later you will noe why i say how real he is.....going to post lots of pics here and there and some things that i wrote down in my notebook
Here is some pics of my Team

Look all wearing the official MT shirt except Jeff

Day 1
The trip to Roi-Et was very "cool" and it smell nice too , Me and Gabriel sat at the seat which is juz infron of the second stairs and thus we have no restriction to lean back our seat but what we did not noe was the toilet is near first did not smell much but till late ard 7+ or 8+ like that then the annointing smell began to rose up and Woohoooooooo......reach the hotel at ard 1+ am like that and when we reach the hotel we saw this huge lizard on the wall here is the proof

may seems small here but its huge
We went to a village and have prayer walk to claim the ground from God for we are not fighting against flesh and blood but the evil authorities of the area as said in Ephesian 6 and so we who are the light go into darkness and claim the land for God and also prepare the land for the night rally.......went to a deaf and mute sch in the noon after our prayer walk which is at morning and the first breakthrough happen there.for the first time i felt pity about the kids there and show my love to him for many who noe me know that i do not know hot to express my love but then i show my concern and care to this boy and even play with him , had our first night rally then prayed for this lady who worship the Pi-Fa which means fallen angel like Lucifer or better known as Satan she said she could not sleep for nights and even see spirits then we pray for her and she accepted Christ if i never remember wrongly and again below is some pics

The Kids at the deaf and mute sch

look they are having so much fun

thats the kid that i show my love for the first time and look at the size hehe

Jeff preaching and Eddy translating *Eddy is real smart he speak all language in the world*

The thai worship band

Jun Xiang and Charmaine performing the Hand Skit

She the lady that worship the Pi-Fa

The Village Chief
Day 3
Today was given a set of picture cards so as to make sharing Christ with the Thais villager easier juz in case they could not understand our thai , it was fun and a total new experience as the language barrier had been broken down and they manage to understand our little thai.....went to a public sch today and had performance and everything there had alot of fun too and see the smile of the kids there is always so heartwarming they find fun in playing the catching fish game whereas in Singapore kids would say so boring went back to church ard 4.30+ to prepare and rest before having our dinner before going to the court near the central government area was.....the concert performance there was very nice and after the concert we went to share with those who attended the performance then me , Calvin and Gabriel went to share with this three boys , at first two boys wanted to accpet Christ but was affected by the third guy when he refuse to accept Christ the other two also decided not to accept Christ but we noe its not them who reject Christ but the evil authority over that area as there is this buddha statue near the place we were sharing , before leaving them we prayed a prayer of blessing for them before. Calvin decided that we have a prayer walk ard the statue and as we were prayer walking ard the statue , i stare into the eyes of the statue and the look of it is super satanic even now i still remember how it looks like , whie staring at it i felt something come charging at me then as we continue to pray , we stop in front of the statue and pray and at this point you could feel a huge amt of evil spiritual force charging at you...after praying finish it was juz nice to go back and thus we return to the van , but in my heart i was thinking if we pray and the statue were to fall flat on the ground after we pray i would be laughing whole day long and be singing praise to God sia hehe

This one of the thais villager we prayed for

Praying for her healing and she felt better after we pray for her *all glory to God*

She accepted Christ juz b4 we are leaving :D Took this pic together with her

this hse has lots of ppl and we shared to them

look at how serious Cheryl is

Still trying to get her to understand

Performance time lets clap for the guitarist Calvin and the dancer Team-Saam

after the performance pray for the old lady healing

This grp of boys had fun with Me , Calvin and Gabriel

Yay first performance by Team-Saam and Calvin is the main actor , he is real good man

One of the three guys we shared to during night rally

Calvin praying a prayer of blessing to be upon them
Day 4
Saturday was a relaxing day , did not do much except went to tell the ppl ard the church bout the youth svr actually wasted alot of time during sat but we had compassion project in the morning and everyone had alot of fun then we also manage to share with them and pray for healing and blessing then me and Jie ming were praying for this blind gal but then were call out to pray for this old man and he was heal first he stood up and walk then began to jump and i was like huh wat he doing sia i was stun there but soon i realize that God had heal him and could see his Joy on the face then noon went for to tell ppl bout the youth svr.....while we were sharing we went to this hse of one of the church member and she volunteer to bring us to the market there to tell the ppl then saw this old lady and we share to her bout Christ and she accpeted Chrsit and even willingly took off the charm on her wrist.......went back for our youth svr and their youth svr is different from us........theirs is Praise and Worship first then have a 10 min break before starting sermon and their sermon is short which took only 1/2 hr unlike us which took about 1-2 hr

Praying a prayer of blessing for the children

Look at the smile of Cheryl and u will noe how much fun it is

look at the cute boy , look at how he pray cute rite

Cheryl cutting the charm off a gal

look at Dao-sao....hehe juz joking
Today svr was quite a good one manage to pray for this two blind gal and they manage to see light at first then after we press on this older gal manage to see our hand moving ard and all were amazed by God power and our faith grew in God and here are pics taken on that day

Cheryl and her favourite Thai kid

Cheryl , Jun Xiang and Mic Bay

Bay and the thai Kids

My team by the lake with the backdrop of a fountain

Another Team Shot
Went to a village and evangelise , then ran into one of our translator Nok friend and shared with her at first did not know it till we called Nok over to help us elaborate......Her friend is very friendly to us she offer us a ice drink as the weather is very hot she had a daughter ans she very cute and Karen offer her a sweet and Nok's friend have a baby in her womb and may God bloss her and the Child
Today was the King birthday and thus we have to wear bright colour clothing by order of Sister i wore a white shirt it consist of all colours so no need to think so much...but din have much chance to share , by right the plan is we go to the lake and share with the ppl but then last minute change of plan we wento to Khong-Khean at ard 12 to help tell the ppl bout the new church but did not have muh chance to share as the city there was so empty that if u were to point a gun and fire it straight and there is another guy 1KM away u will hit him only and no other else so u should noe how empty it is then at night had our last supper together with Pastor Daniel Team at a very nice environment.....under the night sky with stars all ard and with plants ard us before going back to another church to prepare for leaving to Bangkok overnight....the trip to bangkok was soso no toilet smell but the air-con was wo its like 10 degree sia with full blast on and was freezing man
Whole day shopping at MBK was fun sia walking ard buying things.........did not buy much except two shirt and local products for my family then went to this stall sellnig weird stuff like lighter , torch and many more then saw this knife and it was so nice then went to slide my finger ard the blade at first there was no cut then i itchy hand went to press down and slide it then ended up with a cut on my thumb had dinner at sushi-teh and juz before leaving me and Gabriel went to buy a present for Rebekah told them we were going for the washroom but ended up running ard to buy the present and when we return Calvin and Karen went to the washroom but luckily they knew of the plan the accompany me with my lies and say y u all stay in toilet so long sia then basically the whole trip is good and fruitful and fun + meaningful
Here are some more pics that are not posted up

The place we had our first dinner

Prayed for her healing

She manage to take a few step yay all glory and praise be to God

Sticky Rice coated with egg and barberqued very nice but should add in some ingredient

Let our passion burn for God not like this but much bigger

Youth Impact
Finally my Mission Trip post is out after a long 3 hr and really hope can go again to Roi-Et no other place but only Roi-Et
May all Glory and Praise be to God
One thing i treasure most during MT is the friendship , for in juz a short 12 hrs our team were bonded like one family and i thank God for that. Pray that God will let it last for our life for if we place Him in the center of friendship the love will bind us together for eternity
My Angel at MT is very good , she bought me my favourite Pocky and it's still not eaten , so nice that she bought strawberry flavour and its my favourite.......thanx ANGEL IS U SEE THIS
Before reading lets sing a song that we can only sing to God and not the Angel....The song of the redeem and freedom
Finally after weeks , have the time to sit down and blog about Mission Trip and even post up picture.....learn alot of things in Mission Trip , learn to be really prayerful in everything we do. Coz at Thailand about 3/4 of the time is to pray and do God works....even when we are eating we pray for the food , on the way to villages we pray for God to prepare the ground for us , before we sleep also pray that we will have a good rest , wake up pray that God will renew our strength as we do his what u think prayer is very important in Mission Trip.....Saw miracles upon miracles , healing upon healing and even experience how real Satan was. In the past for me Satan is like an ant to me in my heart but after experiencing how real he is , i really took him seriously , later you will noe why i say how real he is.....going to post lots of pics here and there and some things that i wrote down in my notebook
Here is some pics of my Team

Look all wearing the official MT shirt except Jeff

Day 1
The trip to Roi-Et was very "cool" and it smell nice too , Me and Gabriel sat at the seat which is juz infron of the second stairs and thus we have no restriction to lean back our seat but what we did not noe was the toilet is near first did not smell much but till late ard 7+ or 8+ like that then the annointing smell began to rose up and Woohoooooooo......reach the hotel at ard 1+ am like that and when we reach the hotel we saw this huge lizard on the wall here is the proof

may seems small here but its huge
We went to a village and have prayer walk to claim the ground from God for we are not fighting against flesh and blood but the evil authorities of the area as said in Ephesian 6 and so we who are the light go into darkness and claim the land for God and also prepare the land for the night rally.......went to a deaf and mute sch in the noon after our prayer walk which is at morning and the first breakthrough happen there.for the first time i felt pity about the kids there and show my love to him for many who noe me know that i do not know hot to express my love but then i show my concern and care to this boy and even play with him , had our first night rally then prayed for this lady who worship the Pi-Fa which means fallen angel like Lucifer or better known as Satan she said she could not sleep for nights and even see spirits then we pray for her and she accepted Christ if i never remember wrongly and again below is some pics

The Kids at the deaf and mute sch

look they are having so much fun

thats the kid that i show my love for the first time and look at the size hehe

Jeff preaching and Eddy translating *Eddy is real smart he speak all language in the world*

The thai worship band

Jun Xiang and Charmaine performing the Hand Skit

She the lady that worship the Pi-Fa

The Village Chief
Day 3
Today was given a set of picture cards so as to make sharing Christ with the Thais villager easier juz in case they could not understand our thai , it was fun and a total new experience as the language barrier had been broken down and they manage to understand our little thai.....went to a public sch today and had performance and everything there had alot of fun too and see the smile of the kids there is always so heartwarming they find fun in playing the catching fish game whereas in Singapore kids would say so boring went back to church ard 4.30+ to prepare and rest before having our dinner before going to the court near the central government area was.....the concert performance there was very nice and after the concert we went to share with those who attended the performance then me , Calvin and Gabriel went to share with this three boys , at first two boys wanted to accpet Christ but was affected by the third guy when he refuse to accept Christ the other two also decided not to accept Christ but we noe its not them who reject Christ but the evil authority over that area as there is this buddha statue near the place we were sharing , before leaving them we prayed a prayer of blessing for them before. Calvin decided that we have a prayer walk ard the statue and as we were prayer walking ard the statue , i stare into the eyes of the statue and the look of it is super satanic even now i still remember how it looks like , whie staring at it i felt something come charging at me then as we continue to pray , we stop in front of the statue and pray and at this point you could feel a huge amt of evil spiritual force charging at you...after praying finish it was juz nice to go back and thus we return to the van , but in my heart i was thinking if we pray and the statue were to fall flat on the ground after we pray i would be laughing whole day long and be singing praise to God sia hehe

This one of the thais villager we prayed for

Praying for her healing and she felt better after we pray for her *all glory to God*

She accepted Christ juz b4 we are leaving :D Took this pic together with her

this hse has lots of ppl and we shared to them

look at how serious Cheryl is

Still trying to get her to understand

Performance time lets clap for the guitarist Calvin and the dancer Team-Saam

after the performance pray for the old lady healing

This grp of boys had fun with Me , Calvin and Gabriel

Yay first performance by Team-Saam and Calvin is the main actor , he is real good man

One of the three guys we shared to during night rally

Calvin praying a prayer of blessing to be upon them
Day 4
Saturday was a relaxing day , did not do much except went to tell the ppl ard the church bout the youth svr actually wasted alot of time during sat but we had compassion project in the morning and everyone had alot of fun then we also manage to share with them and pray for healing and blessing then me and Jie ming were praying for this blind gal but then were call out to pray for this old man and he was heal first he stood up and walk then began to jump and i was like huh wat he doing sia i was stun there but soon i realize that God had heal him and could see his Joy on the face then noon went for to tell ppl bout the youth svr.....while we were sharing we went to this hse of one of the church member and she volunteer to bring us to the market there to tell the ppl then saw this old lady and we share to her bout Christ and she accpeted Chrsit and even willingly took off the charm on her wrist.......went back for our youth svr and their youth svr is different from us........theirs is Praise and Worship first then have a 10 min break before starting sermon and their sermon is short which took only 1/2 hr unlike us which took about 1-2 hr

Praying a prayer of blessing for the children

Look at the smile of Cheryl and u will noe how much fun it is

look at the cute boy , look at how he pray cute rite

Cheryl cutting the charm off a gal

look at Dao-sao....hehe juz joking
Today svr was quite a good one manage to pray for this two blind gal and they manage to see light at first then after we press on this older gal manage to see our hand moving ard and all were amazed by God power and our faith grew in God and here are pics taken on that day

Cheryl and her favourite Thai kid

Cheryl , Jun Xiang and Mic Bay

Bay and the thai Kids

My team by the lake with the backdrop of a fountain

Another Team Shot
Went to a village and evangelise , then ran into one of our translator Nok friend and shared with her at first did not know it till we called Nok over to help us elaborate......Her friend is very friendly to us she offer us a ice drink as the weather is very hot she had a daughter ans she very cute and Karen offer her a sweet and Nok's friend have a baby in her womb and may God bloss her and the Child
Today was the King birthday and thus we have to wear bright colour clothing by order of Sister i wore a white shirt it consist of all colours so no need to think so much...but din have much chance to share , by right the plan is we go to the lake and share with the ppl but then last minute change of plan we wento to Khong-Khean at ard 12 to help tell the ppl bout the new church but did not have muh chance to share as the city there was so empty that if u were to point a gun and fire it straight and there is another guy 1KM away u will hit him only and no other else so u should noe how empty it is then at night had our last supper together with Pastor Daniel Team at a very nice environment.....under the night sky with stars all ard and with plants ard us before going back to another church to prepare for leaving to Bangkok overnight....the trip to bangkok was soso no toilet smell but the air-con was wo its like 10 degree sia with full blast on and was freezing man
Whole day shopping at MBK was fun sia walking ard buying things.........did not buy much except two shirt and local products for my family then went to this stall sellnig weird stuff like lighter , torch and many more then saw this knife and it was so nice then went to slide my finger ard the blade at first there was no cut then i itchy hand went to press down and slide it then ended up with a cut on my thumb had dinner at sushi-teh and juz before leaving me and Gabriel went to buy a present for Rebekah told them we were going for the washroom but ended up running ard to buy the present and when we return Calvin and Karen went to the washroom but luckily they knew of the plan the accompany me with my lies and say y u all stay in toilet so long sia then basically the whole trip is good and fruitful and fun + meaningful
Here are some more pics that are not posted up

The place we had our first dinner

Prayed for her healing

She manage to take a few step yay all glory and praise be to God

Sticky Rice coated with egg and barberqued very nice but should add in some ingredient

Let our passion burn for God not like this but much bigger

Youth Impact
Finally my Mission Trip post is out after a long 3 hr and really hope can go again to Roi-Et no other place but only Roi-Et
May all Glory and Praise be to God
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