Today svr was so good man simply best ar especially as i see people falling into the power of God , as i see it was like God had simply work into it n they juz ka-pomp on the floor. Today before svr had ice-breaker and i was the ice-breakerer we played Dog & Bone was rather fun with Caleb back with us then the next thing is to wait for Carlos to return from his trip then me , Gabriel , Nick and Jonathon would have fun playing (i think u all do not know what happen but Brendan knew bout it) but dunno when would he return from the trip lei.......Today svr had two people coming up to share testimony with us and for Kendrick(Dunno correct anot) testi part of it i had been through except piercing and frenz running away in time of need , but as i hear his testi memories were brought back to me bout my past n from it i had regretted one things so far that is to have those friends while i was young thus causing the old me but then to think on the good side maybe it was God's plan all along who noes , He may had it planned in my life so that i may be a instrument he could use to share on how God work into people lives anyway in all things there are two side the good n bad , the good things is that now i have God with me and i noe he will guide me in all things i do , with him i can overcome the impossible. Anws altar call was very fruitful for me as after being prayed upon i felt change its juz like the same experience as the last time. For cell today was interesting with having to disciple Munchong again n was rather amaze to finish it within 1 and the half hour then Gabriel were still lagging back a few page but as we thought Cheryl was still discipling Jasmine so i ask Gabriel to carry on then after Gabriel finish we went over then Gabriel ask today no PnW ar now going 7 already lei n Cheryl was like totally shock by the time as it was a little late but nevertheless still had it then got to know that Rebekah had gastric flu.......may the lord healing be upon her as she having Os then Nellyn is going China for a holiday n here one fun part instead of Journey's mercy Gabriel said it as mercy journey n we were like laughing away. Catering was fun today but the fries felt a little like dough when u bite down , actually intended to do discipleship with Gabriel but in the end din do it nvm after he Os got plenty of time. Shall stop here n juz like previous week Good luck to those having Os and may God multiply your time n bless you all with knowledge and wisdom

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