Yesterday was Hui Qi / Ah-mei b'day then bought the cake for her from Polo cake actually intended to cut cake after tutorial which is ard 4+ , but then still drag till 6.30 then cut cake n we were at there singing Happy birthday song for her everything was fine for my mood we were all happy n laughing away till....the stupid Victor came n then kept on kao this kao that but actually i dun really give a damn bout that cos it was my mei mei b'day then dun wanna do anything but till he say the cake looks like shit then not nice its was till then i flare up n shouted at him in front of them. Then they were like stunt n then i say juz carry on with it dun bother bout it then he have nothing to say lor n walk away. I flare up bcoz buying the cake is like to celebrate n wanting all to b happy n he at there criticise it n buying a present is the thought that count wat not the price of it , then he at there criticise
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