Today svr was a little cheem but still understood wat was PS.Daniel preaching about n for praise n worship was quite fun juz like normal as always n today preaching was about Governing Our Emotion then while preaching PS.Daniel scolded the word F*** which i always scold the past n we all heard it n was like stunt that he would say it out but we all noe it was by accident that he say it out as he is trying to teach us how we could tolerate n then try to forgive by controling our emotion. PS.Daniel also ask us if we have anyone whom we should forgive or if we were angry with God n ask us to write down the names of the person n wat r we angry with for the name part i shan tell u for its confidential but for the God part i shall tell i was sometime angry with God for planning all such unhappy event in my life n allowing it to hapen all in a row i would sometime ask "Why God? Why would all this happen when things r going well for us n things strike all in a row?" Can anyone tell me why is this hapening? Anyone....i m fine drop me a comment. For cell today we have 孟伟(dunno if its correct) with us n it makes it quite interesting cos we have to translate to him for all the thing taught today n y we have quiet time n many more n oh ya today was Rachel Birthday we celebrate it with her b4 splitting into our masterlife grp n we have our long time no see fellow sister today with us that is Hannah n Shufen then when cell finish did wat i usually do that is to call Munchong to sit down n have a talk.....tell u all something i think i m hook on doing that after cell everytime n shhh dun tell him ar i will blog this only cos i m confident that he will neva come my blog n see hehe....while talking to him my mother called n got to noe that my baby cousin was admitted to KK's ICU for she have fit n is now in coma with breathing machine to support her breathing...she was the second child of my uncle as the first child died in the womb n the third one also died in the womb this year n y would all this happen i dunno......i really hope that nothing will happen to her for she only a child age 2 n did not experience much of anything on earth if its ok i would want to exchange my life for hers as i had live 15yrs on earth n i m contented with wat i have done even to noe the true feeling of falling in love with someone though its a painful process but i really pray she will live on n then the though of why would God let it all happen together n i would not mind actually if it concern other matter but y muz it b something to do with life n death which life was such a precious thing..... now i m confuse n actually angry with God , but easier said then done how would i b angry with God for he send his son to earth to die for us? Now i m really confuse but can u all pray for my cousin health?

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