Today brought the Part A for trainfire n when we reach there , we were told to wait for other sch to finish b4 we take over the rifles , then in the meantime i was writing their admin form for the withdrawal of rifle but then after waiting for at least 20min the SAF officer told us to go take another set of rifle instead of waiting then me n the other specialist n 2 senior was like Wa Lao now then say waste so much time causing us not to be able to teach finish all the things n were called to keep rifle......then me n one of the senior we waited behind the NCC van while the rest queue n after we check clear the rifle we pass it to them to oil it b4 keeping it into the armoury room......but although had to do all this i dun mind cos can skip Raja tutorial for today then at trainfire there was only 1 CLT ard n the whole event was held by only the specialist only then when return sch the senior decided to let them have a training for 45 min n the new officer approve of it as he see the standard is like sh*t then the senior kept on pumping them n i was juz sitting one side as i was tired n did not want to take them but after telling them to lock their arms a lot of time , i could not take it anymore n finally pump them 10 push up as they were tired out by the pumping that the senior executed on them then finally 6.20 arrive n the senior decided to release them. But we all like the new office sia , we told him we would dismiss them by 6 but when he came down he did not order us to release them he also waited there even though he wanted to go home till we dismiss them....if he were to be Dunearn's CO we would comfirm get Gold unit yearly man. All the specialist n senior salute him sia

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